Fertility support

Let me guess… you want to be a Mum more than anything, but it’s just not happening and the worst bit is, you aren’t even sure why? Despite trying to stay positive and ‘relaxing’ (who hasn’t heard that one!), your body is telling you otherwise and every month your period comes it’s rock bottom all over again.

You feel like you’ve lost who you are and you’re exhausted of doing ‘all the things’, only to see a single line on that pregnancy test month after month. I know because I’ve been there.

My soul knew I was destined to become a Mum, but my body just couldn’t make it happen (despite several thousands spent on treatment). I felt hopeless, defeated and VERY fuck*ing angry!

Maybe you've felt this way in the past too? You might even be feeling it right now…


If you are suffering with unexplained infertility and there's no clinical reason holding you back from falling pregnant, I’m confident it’s your mind (and subsequently your energy) getting in the way, just like it was for me.

have you ever felt like this?

  • Frustrated that pregnancy seems to be the only thing evading you right now. You've got everything else down (the amazing partner, a good job, lovely home) but you just can't get across the fertility finish line

  • You hear about a neighbours, aunts, daughters, second cousin who fell pregnant within a month and it makes you feel angry, frustrated, impatient and resentful all at the same time (even though you hate feeling this way and want so much to be happy for them)

  • When those closest to you say 'oh, just stop trying so hard and it'll happen' you want to punch them in the face... several times... with a bat!


if any of these ring true, you are not broken, you are not an awful person, you are just human!

You can't simply think positive and hope for the best, that’s not how it works - you actually have to FEEL that positivity in order to create the space needed for your baby to find you (#lawofattraction). I learnt this the hard way and want to share what I know, so you don’t have to struggle.

Let me ask you, how would it feel to re-connect with the calm, determined woman you've somehow lost along the way on this journey? The woman who had so much hope when she started out and couldn't wait to create her baby.

Remember that version of you before the frustration took over? It’s time to find her again, because I believe that’s when your baby will find YOU!

You don’t have to do this alone

Part of my reason for being on this earth was to become a Mum. There were points when I questioned if it was ever going to happen, but I refused to give up - the outcome was simply to precious to me. I bet you feel the same don’t you? Determined to make it happen no matter what?

That’s where I come in. I help women get across the fertility finish line and create the space needed to make their dream a reality.

Whether it’s transformational coaching via my flagship Intuitive Fertility program, monthly coaching to help you prepare for upcoming fertility treatment, or a suite of gentle meditations to help bring motherhood to life, I’ve got ya!

Intuitive Fertility Program

A transformational 'science meets spiritual' fertility coaching program, designed to quickly and easily move you into the emotional and energetic space needed to create your baby

Fell pregnant naturally at age 40 within just a few weeks of finishing Anna’s program... tried unsuccessfully for two years previous!

magical monthly coaching

A flexible, pay monthly coaching option to suit your needs. Perfect for helping you create (and maintain) the right mindset and energy to comfortably transition through big life milestones

I know it’s a bit of a cliché to use the expression ‘this person changed my life’, but it’s so appropriate for how I feel about Anna

intuitive Fertility Meditation Bundle

A suite of fertility specific guided meditations and bonus mindset masterclasses. Calm your mind, visualise your future and empower yourself to move forward into Motherhood

The meditation and mindset work was essential to me falling pregnant and it literally kept me sane throughout the two week wait!

Why this works

For decades now, leading fertility researchers and clinicians have been encouraging their patients to tap into the power of the mind-body connection to improve their chances of falling and staying pregnant.

Right now, I believe your mind is the thing holding you back from creating your baby.

Think of it like this…

Our thoughts drive our emotions, which then drive our behaviour, which subsequently drives our actions and all this leads to the outcome, or in our case the negative pregnancy tests we hate seeing so much.

Now think of it backwards. To change your outcome, you have to change your actions... which means changing your behaviour... which means changing your emotional state... which means learning to manage crappy thoughts like 'I'll never be a Mum' is absolutely essential!

Energy is everything and it can be a deal breaker when trying to conceive.

If you've been told nothing is clinically wrong and you are doing ALL the things (diet, vitamins, exercise, truck loads of pineapple!) but you are STILL not a Mumma, I'm pretty sure it's your mind stopping you, just like it was for me.

But don’t just take my word for it

Regular support from a mind-body program can increase pregnancy rates for infertile women

"55% of previously infertile women who met regularly in a Mind Body Infertility program conceived within 6 months after the program, compared to only 20% in a control group that used no mind body techniques"

— Domar Center of Harvard

Expressing negativity whilst trying to conceive can have a HUGE impact on the outcome

"Research from the University of California, San Diego shows that women who expressed the most negative emotions prior to starting their cycle were 93% less likely to have a baby than the women who were the most positive."

— Klonoff-Cohen, Chu, Natarajan & Sieber, 2001

Stress management programs can dramatically increase IVF outcome rates

"Research has shown that women who participated in a stress management program prior to, or during IVF treatment, had a 52% greater pregnancy rate than women who did not participate in the program"

— Domar, Backman, Alper, Berger, Wiegand & Nikolovski, 2009

By focussing on the mind alongside the body, you give yourself the best shot at conceiving, BUT… if you really want to show your fertility journey who’s boss, simply mix in energy work and it's a whole other level of magic (just ask all the ladies I’ve worked with).

Energetically speaking, you don't attract what you WANT, you attract what you ARE, so living in a calm, determined, optimistic space BEFORE your baby arrives is essential for your desire to manifest and actually speeds up the process. That space right there is what I can help you achieve.

Imagine living in an energy of faith and determination, KNOWING with absolute certainty that it’s just a matter of time before motherhood finds you. Doesn’t that sound better than being consumed by the fear and desperation you might be feeling right now?

Let me show you how

Intuitive Fertility Program

A transformational 'science meets spiritual' fertility coaching program, designed to quickly and easily move you into the emotional and energetic space needed to create your baby

I can actually see and feel a difference... I’ve been so much happier! These realisations have helped me move on already and it’s only the first week!

magical monthly Coaching

A flexible, pay monthly coaching option to suit your needs. Perfect for helping you create (and maintain) the right mindset and energy to comfortably transition through big life milestones

I’m amazed at the things happening around me since working with you... the Universe is finally working WITH me, rather than against me! It’s amazing!

intuitive Fertility Meditation Bundle

A suite of fertility specific guided meditations and bonus mindset masterclasses. Calm your mind, visualise your future and empower yourself to move forward into Motherhood

I’m amazed at the amount that’s come up so far! I get a huge amount of benefit from the meditations and am so glad to have found you! Thank you Anna

You are not alone in this struggle!

I’ve worked with women who were in exactly the same position as you, but they are now moving forward feeling enlightened, empowered and ready to embrace the future they know is already on their way to them.

Ladies like Mrs J, who was trying for 2 years without any luck then fell pregnant naturally just a few weeks after completing my program. Or Mrs B, who after working with me fell pregnant on her first attempt at IUI despite her PCOS.

In order to create your baby, we first need to create the space needed to give your dreams a real chance.

Every woman I've supported over the years has had a major life breakthrough whilst working with me. Maybe, just maybe, that could be the thing which makes all the difference for your fertility?

You can continue on your own by all means, but remember - if you do what you've always done, you are going to get what you've always got. No amount of clinical intervention, pregnancy vitamins or praying for a different outcome is going to work (believe me, I’ve tried!).

No more leaving this to chance or deciding it will never happen - not on my watch! It’s time to show your fertility journey who’s boss - I’m ready when you are.



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